Wooden and wicker constructions make it possible to plan a small backyard vegetable garden on the ground as well as on the terrace and balcony. Our offer includes embedded in the ground boxes without bottom, traditional boxes (including multi-leveled) and hotbeds that allows growing in winter, early spring or late autumn. Those solutions are perfect for gardening lovers, those who want to make sure that their growing is ecological and for individuals who pay a lot of attention to aesthetics of the cultivated area. All boxes were designed with a view of a good visual aspect as well as practical use.
Wooden and wicker constructions make it possible to plan a small backyard vegetable garden on the ground as well as on the terrace and balcony. Our offer includes embedded in the ground boxes without bottom, traditional boxes (including multi-leveled) and hotbeds that allows growing in winter, early spring or late autumn. Those solutions are perfect for gardening lovers, those who want to make sure that their growing is ecological and for individuals who pay a lot of attention to aesthetics of the cultivated area. All boxes were designed with a view of a good visual aspect as well as practical use.
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